Upgrading Peertube and Running the Livechat Plugin

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A quick video guide for upgrading Peertube running in Docker Engine on Reclaim Cloud Peertube4.0 was recently released, and I was excited to see what's new and improved in what is becoming one of my favorite pieces of open source software. Feeling emboldened by some recent experimenting in Reclaim Cloud, I decided to upgrade bava.tv running on Peertube version 3.0. I have Peertube running via a Docker container spun up within Docker Engine, or a container within a container---turtles all the way down. I was a bit nervous to upgrade versions given I have over 500 videos hosted there at this point.* Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised just how easy upgrading a Docker image of Peertube proved to be, which reinforces that Docker can be a much easier and more efficient process for managing your infrastructure once you wrap your head around it. So, below are the steps I followed using this guide for upgrading Peertube Docker images.

You change into your Peertube directory in the Docker Engine container (mine is /home/peertube/ but yours may be different):

cd /your/peertube/directory

Then pull the version you want, I wanted the latest release which is called bullseye:

docker pull chocobozzz/peertube:v4.0.0-bullseye

After that you want to delete the containers and internal volumes:

docker-compose down -v

Re-run the container, but before you do make sure the new version you want to pull is specified in the docker-compose.yml file (located in /your/peertube/directory which for me is /home/peertube). In the docker-compose file look for the section titled peertube and the following lines:

# If you don't want to use the official image and build one from   sources 
# build: 
# context: . 
# dockerfile: ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.buster 
image: chocobozzz/peertube:v4.0.0-bullseye 
- .env

Note the line specifying the image the bullseye 4.0.0 release needs to be for the image you want to install, which for me is chocobozzz/peertube:v4.0.0-bullseye

Save the docker-compose.yml file and the run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

And that worked swimmingly, I could load the latest version of Peertube and lost none of my existing videos, data, metadata, etc.

While reading about new features/updates within the software I noticed that they're funding the development of a Livechat plugin I tried unsuccessfully to get working several months ago. As a result that plugin has now been regularly updated, so I decided to test it out. After reading around I realized it still needs the chat server  Prosody installed, which can be tricky on Docker Engine given it is a pared down version of Linux that often makes installing dependencies hard, if not impossible.

Turns out the ease of upgrading and swapping infrastructure became readily apparent when I realized I could simply redefine a new Docker image in the docker-compose file  and spin down the old one and spin up the new one with Prosody pre-installed. I got the heads up from the Livechat plugin documentation that has a copy of the Peertube 3.4 version with prosody installed, so after running the docker-compose down -v command I swapped out the image in the docker-compose file to be johnxlivingston/peertubelivechat:production-buster:

# If you don't want to use the official image and build one from sources 
# build: 
# context: . 
# dockerfile: ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.buster 
image: johnxlivingston/peertubelivechat:production-buster 
- .env

Then saved the file and ran docker-compose up -d which had Peertube 3.4 with Prosody pre-installed, with that working I could then install the Livechat plugin from the Peertube Administration --> Plugins/Themes:

Image of Peertube Plugins Screen
Peertube Plugins Screen

Once you have installed the Livechat plugin you might need to add the API URL to get the Livechat plugin to work, for me that URL was http://localhost:9000. The fix of adding localhost:9000 was a result of the plugin author responding to my issue right away with a fix, so that was pretty awesome of John Livingston!

Peertube API Settings to be added
Peertube API Settings to be added

After that I was able to incorporate Livechat into my Peertube live streaming videos which was pretty awesome!

Image of bava.tv with live stream chat working in Peertube
bava.tv with live stream chat working in Peertube

I wonder if doing this with the straight-up Docker image versus Docker Engine would make for a different experience? I am not sure, but worth experimenting on that front with another instance, but for now bava.tv is running cleanly with the livechat plugin working, and I am very, very happy.

*Although I had managed to convert from traefik to nginx for the reverse proxy a little while ago (with help from Chris Blankenship), so I was not entirely clueless about what I was getting into.

Opening Port 1935 on Peertube Docker Instance
I recently upgraded Peertube to version 3.0 which includes live streaming as part of the codebase. This is pretty cool, and I uploaded my existing Docker instance for bava.tv that is running in a Docker container and using the Traefik reverse proxy. The latest install instructions for Peertube now r…